Monday, February 8, 2010

4 Months and NOT Happy!

I just couldn't resist posting this photo. We take a picture of Ariana every month on her birthday to show the changes in what she looks like month to month. On the night of her 4th month we had gone out to dinner with our friends in Bozeman, as a little going away party. We had a blast and so did Ariana, but she lost it not long after we got home from dinner. So this is the photo that I was able to capture. I did get some happier ones the next day, but this is just priceless.

Hanging with Friends

While we were home at Christmas time I got to spend some time with my highschool friends. It was so great to see everyone and catch up. I swear there is never enough time to catch up with friends, but I really appreciate that we were able to see each other. It is so amazing how we all are married and have kids now. I was the last one to have a baby, so it was neat for Ariana to meet all of her soon to be new friends. Just a few pictures of her new little friends.

Christmas Time

We had a great time over Christmas. Coming back to Lynden is always busy, eventful, and tiresome. There is just so much to do, so many people to see and not enough time. Not only did we have 3 Christmas parties this time around we also decided to throw in 2 baby showers. Keeps the schedule full. This Christmas was also pretty exciting, because Luke got a job offer, so we decided that moving to Lynden was going to be the future for our family. Just wanted to share a few pictures that were taken at Christmas time.

Our present..the best one ever!

The favorite neighbors.

The DeBoer Family Christmas Party


We went bowling with the DeBoer family on Saturday night, and we had a blast. I have never bowled with a baby strapped to the front of me, but I bowled a 120. My father in law bowled a 134, so he won for his lane and I won for ours. I was sooo pumped because really I am a terrible bowler, and yes my lane did have the bumpers, but my ball never used them I promise! It was a ton of fun, and nights like these are some of the reasons we are happy that we are in Lynden to be around family so we can continue making memories.

Super Bowl Sunday 2010

Yes this post is a little late, but better then not posting at all...

We spent Super Bowl Sunday with some friends of ours enjoying good food, good company and a pretty good game. I was cheering for the Colts so needless to say I was not pleased with the outcome of the game, but I will live. Ariana enjoyed her first Super Bowl game. She watched some of the game, but she was also passed around a lot by a ton of new people, who wanted to hold her. She loved it, though. A few pictures of Ariana, even though she wasn't dressed in football attire she did have the Colts colors on.


So we have had a lot of changes in the past month. Luke was offered a job over Christmas break and we decided to accept. Everything happened so fast. We went back to Bozeman after being in Lynden, put in our 2 weeks, and then packed up our lives, and moved. It was strange that it all happened so quickly. We always thought we would end up back in Lynden some day, but we didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Not that we are complaining, because I now get to stay home with Ariana, and Luke has a better job. I LOVE being a stay at home mom, and wouldn't change it for the world. I get to watch Ariana grow up and change every second of the day. I never knew that a child could change so much within a day. She brings so much joy to our lives. Not only have we as a family had many changes since Christmas so has Ariana:

  • Ariana finally rolled over 2 weeks ago. We are so excited for her. I don't know if that is late or not, since she is my first, but I am happy for her.

  • Ariana also got her first cold/cough last week....she also finally gave it to her mom

  • She loves to gurgle

  • Sticks out her tongue

  • Has had tons of blonde peach fuzz filling in on her cute little head.

Those are just some of the small but monumental things that have happened in little miss Ariana's life over the past 2 weeks.

We are so excited to be back, and can't wait to make memories with all of our friends back here, but we of course miss all of our friends back in Bozeman!!